News & Events
Surya Namaskar

Most important practice which we are going to impart for students from this Saturday is the “Surya Namaskar




Benefits of “Surya Namaskar”:

Develop Your Sixth Sense With Sun Salutations:

•1.    The obvious advantage of Surya Namaskar is the workout it provides for the muscles, but it also benefits joints, ligaments and the skeletal system by improving posture and balance.

•2.    Practicing Surya Namaskar is beneficial for the health of digestive system. 

•3.    Surya Namaskar practice calms the mind, thus helps to get sound sleep.

•5.    Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps to lose extra calories. It helps to stay thin. Practicing Surya Namaskar is the easiest way to be in shape. It stretches the abdominal muscles.  Regular practice of  Surya   Namaskar helps to lose excessive belly fat and gives flat stomach.

•6.    Sun salutation exercise helps to add glow on your face making facial skin radiant and ageless. It is the natural solution to prevent onset of wrinkles. Overall, yoga is excellent for the skin and it can also provide good benefits for people with blemishes and even acne.

•7.    Regular practice of sun salutation boosts endurance power. It gives vitality and strength. It also reduces the feeling of restlessness and anxiety.

•8.    Daily practice of Surya Namaskar makes body flexible. It improves flexibility in spine and in limbs.

 It is beneficial to practice Surya Namaskar early in the morning. The early morning sunrays are rich source of vitamin D that is necessary to get strong bones and clear vision.

We AVM-CA request all the students to attend this session . Sun Salutation session will be on the regular basis from this Saturday.






6/5/2014 11:58:08 AM
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